Creating portfolios is an extremely useful tool for identifying gifted students. It’s important to have someone to give you the guidance that you need to use this valuable resource in your schools.

Defining Giftedness

Giftedness is defined as individuals with outstanding talent who perform and show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others with their age experience or environment.

So when we look at portfolios we are to some extent comparing it against the norm.

These are children who exhibit high performance capabilities and require services or activities that are not ordinarily provided by the schools.

A Portfolio Can Make All The Difference

This is why a portfolio is so important for the identification process. It can make all the difference for a student who is highly gifted but perhaps does not test well or have high verbal scores or one who has a lot of undeveloped potential.

Data sheets of test scores and grades are important and useful in determining if a student is qualified for a gifted program but without a portfolio you miss an important piece of the puzzle.

What Is A Portfolio?

A portfolio is a collection of authentic work samples gathered over time that represents a student’s ability and potential and allows an ARE (Admission Review and Evaluation) committee to make an informed decision.

A portfolio must be more than just stuff in a folder. It needs to be a selection of the work that is the most accurate reflection of the student. Students themselves can be instrumental in selecting the best items to include in their portfolio.

In addition to written pieces from the student you should also include the teacher’s notes on their oral communication skills as well as overviews of their creative problem solving skills, and scientific and library research skills.

How To Get More Information

The Power of Portfolios online course provides detailed instructions and examples so you can put together portfolios for your students and use them for differentiation to prevent gifted students from getting bored or falling through the cracks.

Are you ready to build quality portfolios for your students? This 3 hour course will walk your through every step of the way.  This course, presented by 2 experts in the fields of curriculum, testing and gifted and talented services will guide you through every step of the process.  Get this course here.