(For Parents) Perfectionism Revisited

(For Parents) Perfectionism Revisited


Presenter: Dr. Debra Troxclair, Lamar University 
Core Area: 
Social & Emotional
Grade Level: Elementary 
Hours: 1

This course is intended for parents of gifted children.

Dr. Debbie Troxclair has been following perfectionism research for the past 40 years. Due to her close study of the subject, and her experience as a teacher, Dr. Troxclair presents a course that is rich in insight and resources. Perfection Revisited (for parents), will give your parents a plethora of information, including ALL of her resources, references, and publications referred to in this presentation.

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© Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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“Perfectionism Revisited (for parents)”, with Debra Troxclair, Ph.D., will provide you with a plethora of information, including in-depth resources, references, and publications. 

In this 1-hour course, you will learn:

  • Why perfectionism exists in G/T students
  • What the experts have to say about the topic
  • How to deal with perfectionism
  • How perfectionism develops in children
  • And much more!

Dr. Troxclair received her doctoral degree in Special Education (Emphasis in Gifted Education) from the University of Southern Mississippi and has over 20 years of teaching experience in both elementary and university classroom settings. She is a member of several professional associations focusing on giftedness. Dr. Troxclair is currently serving on the Professional Standards Committee, the University Networking Committee of the National Association for Gifted Children, the Research Division of the Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, and the Special Interest Group for Creative and Gifted Readers of the International Reading Association.

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Core Area




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