Twice Exceptional: The Intersection of Giftedness & Learning Disabilities

Twice Exceptional: The Intersection of Giftedness & Learning Disabilities


Presenter: Timothy Gangwer
Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies, Differentiated Curriculum
Grade Level: Primary and Secondary
Hours: 1 

Twice Exceptional students, or those with both high abilities and a learning disability, have been something of an enigma for educators in the past. Thanks to the work of Tim Gangwer and so many others, educators now have the resources necessary to equip themselves to meet the needs of twice exceptional students.

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© Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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“Twice Exceptional: The Intersection of Giftedness & Learning Disabilities” provides you with a plethora of insightful information, plus easy to implement activities for your classroom. 

In this 1-hour course, you will learn:

  • What it means to be Twice Exceptional(2E)
  • The strengths and challenges associated with 2E learners
  • The importance of collaborating with Special Education
  • Specific disabilities that will help you identify your 2E learners
  • The importance of music in creating “Atmospheric wallpaper”
  • 15 steps to cultivate lifelong learning

This course is aligned with 2016 ODE Teacher Competencies d, e, and NAGC Teacher Preparation Standards 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 5.5.

Timothy Gangwer is a dedicated educator of 26 years, with a focus in the field of visual learning. He has served as visual literacy consultant to the Ministry of Education, France; Ministry of Education, Japan; Mediterranean Association of International Schools, Morocco; and the Association of International Schools, Africa. Mr. Gangwer is an international keynote speaker, educational consultant, and the director and co-founder of the Visual Teaching Alliance. A former elementary teacher in Houston ISD for students with learning disabilities, he is also an award-winning digital artist and songwriter.

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