
  • Presenter: John DeLandtsheer
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    As a teacher and administrator, Mr. Delandtsheer has come to embrace the philosophy “Whoever does the work gets smarter.” He explains, we may need to revisit the type of work that is required of students and how we view them in order for our children to succeed in the 21st century.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Sheila Mulbry & Nicole Shannon, Round Rock ISD
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Do you want your gifted students to deepen their responses to the text they read? One of the most fulfilling moments in a teacher’s day is when the light comes on, a sign that the students are making a deep connection with the material being taught. Teaching students to think outside the book is one of the ways you can empower your students to experience those “aha” moments.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Timothy Gangwer, Visual Teaching Alliance Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Learn to ‘think outside the box’ with Timothy Gangwer’s course on "Whole Brain Visual Thinking." This course offers six hours of educational tools in one, easy to follow, content packed hour. After taking this course, you can be sure that you will have the informational edge to keep you sharp in the classroom. You will appreciate the wealth of knowledge he brings to the course, and walk away completely edified when you take "Whole Brain Visual Thinking".

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Debra Troxclair, Ph.D
    Core Area: Nature & Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary
    Hours: 1

    Identifying giftedness can help ensure proper social, emotional, and cognitive development in children with high abilities, allowing them to achieve their maximum potential. This 1-hour course offers foundational knowledge about giftedness for early childhood professionals and educators so that can identify giftedness in children of all ages.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Daniel Brillhart & Nicole Shannon
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    In this course, participants will learn about how TAG (Talented and Gifted) students can be served within the regular classroom without simply “adding more work”. This course offers ideas for creative literature circles, adding depth and complexity, and introducing non-standard problem solving. The presenters share projects and products and include demonstrations of specific instructional activities in language arts and mathematics.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Deborah Mersino, Ingeniosus
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    The ripple effects of exhaustive testing, economic instability, and outdated myths have resulted in ineffective and confused approaches to gifted education in recent decades. Learn how each component has affected G/T instruction, and what you can do to bring positive change.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: David Lohman, Ph.D., University of Iowa
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Most school districts screen students for possible inclusion in their talent-development programs. How effective are these screening methods at truly identifying talent? Delve into the world of identification to discover more effective and inclusive methods of recognizing gifted and talented students.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Joyce Juntune, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    While we have spent energy on finding and implementing a variety of procedures to ensure that gifted children from poverty are identified for our gifted programs, much less energy has been put into building the skills for success that will enable them to flourish in the gifted program. In this course, Dr. Juntune explores strategies to change the way we work with low-SES students.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Joyce Juntune, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Children who are raised in poverty or low-income households are much more likely to drop out. Gifted children raised in poverty are particularly at­ risk. But that doesn’t have to be the case. These children can all succeed. They can go to college. They can do wonderful things if someone will take the time to build their complex language skills and verbal memory.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Lynette Breedlove, Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University
    Core Area: Nature & Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: James Webb, Ph.D., SENG Founder
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Many gifted children underachieve and have problems with motivation. Motivation, far more than intellectual ability or creativity, can be influenced, shaped, and developed. Learn the most common reasons for motivational problems.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Tina Flatt & Sarah Eton, Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 3

    In this course, the Power of Portfolios, Tina Flatt and Sarah Eton will walk you through the steps of creating portfolios for your students that will provide the missing piece in the data puzzle to prevent gifted students from being overlooked by data driven identification.

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  • Presenter: John Linney, Impact Associates
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    The statistics on bullying are sobering. According to one recent report, one in four students report being bullied at school. Now more than ever before teachers need tools and resources to help identify and prevent bullying.

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  • Presenter: James Webb, Ph.D. 
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 1

    It is a stunning and tragic statistic that as many as half of gifted students go unidentified in our schools every year. These students are being underserved and we, as a nation, are missing out on the talents and abilities they have to offer. In this course James Webb explains why so many of these students are slipping through the cracks and teaches how to recognize them and how to serve them.

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    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Join Dr. Juntune as she walks you through the unique minds of gifted children and explains why they need differentiation. She addresses how to practice individualized differentiation on a daily basis without placing a taxing workload on educators.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    The unique needs and attributes of gifted children extend beyond merely their accelerated cognitive development. They are divergent from average children in social and emotional arenas as well. Because they have special intellectual, emotional, imaginational, psycho-motor, and sensual energies that need to be understood, respected and sometimes redirected it is essential that school districts have a deep understanding of how these children operate beyond just meeting their intellectual needs. In this course, Dr. Juntune will guide you through the unique social and emotional world of a gifted child and demonstrate how schools, teachers and administrators can best serve these children and provide them with the whole person education that they have a right to.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 6

    Knowledge is no longer a competitive advantage. The job market is flooded with applicants who possess the knowledge necessary to complete a job. However, in today’s world creativity and creative thinking are the skills that prepare our students for success. Joyce Juntune, Ph.D., is passionate about teaching educators to both inspire academic achievement and develop creative thinking in the classroom.   

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University 
    Core Area: Social Emotional, Nature Needs 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 6

    Understanding gifted children is serious business. They sit in our schools and sometimes go unidentified or remain underserved. Understanding the nature and needs of gifted students empowers teachers to meet their needs and prepare them for success.

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  • Presenter: Benny Hickerson 
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 1

    Given the challenges facing society today, we need our G/T students stepping into leadership roles and offering creative solutions more than ever before. When we provide the right instruction and an atmosphere that encourages creativity, our students don’t have to wait for the future to begin making a difference; they can help change the world today!

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune 
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 1 

    Intelligence has become a taboo subject in some educational circles. Rather than avoiding the subject, hit the issue head-on by addressing some of the myths associated with the concept of intelligence, particularly in the classroom setting.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Brian Housand, Ph.D., East Carolina University
    Core Area: Creativity & Instruction
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Technology is everywhere and for many teachers, understanding technology can be like trying to understand a new language. It can be difficult to learn, let alone know which tech tools are worth using in the classroom and how to use them. In “60 Tech Tools in 60 Minutes,” Dr. Housand gives us a crash course on tools that you can use in your classroom. It only takes an hour to figure out which tools you can use for your classroom. Just imagine being able to leverage one of these tech tools and what it can do for your classroom. Your students will get more out of their experience and your teaching career can be even more fulfilling!

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Timothy Gangwer 
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    In this course, Timothy Gangwer packs six hours of information into one hour of useful content. In Visual Literacy: Strategies for teaching Gifted English Language Learners you will learn everything from identifying your gifted students, to Tim's 57 ways to increase brain function. As one of our most popular presenters, Tim bridges the gap between visual literacy and gifted learning.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Debra Troxclair, Lamar University
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level:
    Elementary & Secondary

    Dr. Debbie Troxclair has been following perfectionism research for the past 40 years. Due to her close study of the subject, and her experience as a teacher, Dr. Troxclair presents a course that is rich in insight and resources. When you purchase Dr. Troxclair’s, Perfection Revisited, you will receive a plethora of information, including ALL of her resources, references, and publications referred to in this presentation.

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    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Each year, thousands of gifted students go undiscovered in our classrooms. Without accurate identification, many of these students will never reach their full potential or benefit from the great resources available in our gifted programs. As teachers and educators in gifted education, one of our top priorities should be the screening, assessment, and identification of our gifted students.
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