Differentiated Curriculum

  • Presenter: Deborah Mersino, Ingeniosus
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    The ripple effects of exhaustive testing, economic instability, and outdated myths have resulted in ineffective and confused approaches to gifted education in recent decades. Learn how each component has affected G/T instruction, and what you can do to bring positive change.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Carol Raymond, EA Young Academy
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Access 32 strategies, tips, and techniques to make math differentiation for gifted children in the regular classroom simple and fun. The wide variety of options in this course are presented in an engaging A-Z format for you to pick and choose from, and many of them could be easily implemented in your classroom immediately so you and your students can start benefiting right away!

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Join Dr. Juntune as she walks you through the unique minds of gifted children and explains why they need differentiation. She addresses how to practice individualized differentiation on a daily basis without placing a taxing workload on educators.

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  • Presenter: Timothy Gangwer
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies, Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Primary and Secondary
    Hours: 1 

    Twice Exceptional students, or those with both high abilities and a learning disability, have been something of an enigma for educators in the past. Thanks to the work of Tim Gangwer and so many others, educators now have the resources necessary to equip themselves to meet the needs of twice exceptional students.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Bob Iseminger
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    How can an educator facilitate quality, challenging, level-appropriate lessons with a classroom that ranges from lower-level to gifted and talented students? You can successfully tackle the task by taking Bob Iseminger’s course and learning how to utilize differentiation, promote critical and creative thinking skills, adapt teaching methods to the changing brains of this digital media generation and much more.

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  • Presenter: Carol Raymond, EA Young Academy
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Gifted and learning disabled students are both often mislabeled as problem students. In this course, you’ll benefit from first-hand experiences of a mother/daughter team who will remove the mask that often hides the true experience of a 2E or multi-exceptional learner.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Stacy Hughes, Burleson ISD
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 1   

    “I wish I had a camera on my forehead and you had a screen on yours. Then I could show you what I am thinking.” That statement might sound strange to most of us, but that's how visual-spatial learners think.

    The traditional classroom setting defeats a visual-spatial learner, who may also be twice exceptional (2E), ADHD, and/or Autistic. When your classroom is designed to cater to their unique needs, not only will your visual-spatial learner's potential be unlocked, every student in your class will reap the rewards.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Will Waghorne
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    As a teacher, it becomes crucial to use technology to help your gifted students engage in their learning process. Using tools like Google Apps not only encourages them to participate, they provide convenience for both you and your students, and allows a greater level of differentiation and collaboration.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Ashleigh Murphy &; Nancy Bryant, Katy ISD
    Core Area: Creativity & Instruction
    , Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary
    Hours: 1

    Are you ready to create an out-of-the-box literature program? Using children’s books in the classroom isn’t just a good way to increase vocabulary and teach literacy. There are other ideas that can be taught through literature too

    The course “Creation Stations: Engaging the Primary G/T Learner,” will teach you how to create a literature program that will help students engage in creative thinking, critical thinking, and communication skills.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Carrie Simpson, Ph.D.
    Core Area:
    Differentiated Curriculum, Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Differentiated instruction has developed a bad reputation in the Advanced Placement (AP) world. This is unfortunate because every student, from the advanced learner to the SPED learner, can benefit when educators have a firm grasp on how to use differentiation.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Like flowers in a garden, student in a classroom require different strategies to help them grow and thrive. Learning differentiation is key on the road to becoming a master teacher. In this course, Gifted Guru-Lisa Van Gemert, presents approachable ways you can begin to differentiate and help every student excel.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Social & Emotional Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Four conditions account for the majority of mental health issues experienced by young people. Explore how the issues of ADHD, mood disorders, depression, and conduct disorder impact schools, what these issues look like in gifted youth, and how to recognize and handle them.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Creativity and Instructional Strategies|Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    How do you evaluate G/T strategies in the classroom when none of your instruments are designed for them? Discover user-friendly ways to get a clearer picture the next time you assess gifted strategies in the classroom.

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  • Presenter: Carolyn Coil, Pieces of Learning
    Core Area: Nature & Needs | Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Underachievers have many reasons (or excuses) for not working up to their full potential. Some of them are easy to identify in the classroom. However, there is a little-recognized group of hidden underachievers, who are easy to miss because they hide in plain sight. 

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  • Presenter: Carolyn Coil, Pieces of Learning
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Just like peanut butter, bananas, and chocolate, sometimes three things can go together in perfect harmony. In this course, STEM, differentiation, and practical application come together to create relevant and useful applications in your gifted and talented classroom.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Paige McCord, TAGT
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Solid G/T education depends on strategies that not only allow students to delve deeply into content, but to notice the interdisciplinary connections across various areas. Trainer Paige McCord lends her passion for productive G/T education to this informative course that will get you comfortable using depth and complexity prompts to enrich your classroom.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Mary Ann Clark, TAGT
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Imagine the frustration of being a gifted student with endless potential, but simultaneously struggling with a learning disability that hinders you every step of the way! One of the greatest needs for students with learning disabilities is help organizing their thoughts. Get tips and insights to help provide that structure so your twice exceptional students can thrive.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenter: Dr. Diane Heacox, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    Do you know the difference between differentiation and cooperative learning? Do you group students by likeness or by differences? In this informative and interactive course, Diane Heacox, Ed.D., explains what makes differentiation different! While you may have been using some differentiation activities in your classroom, this course will help you tap into the true power of this type of learning instruction.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum/Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondar
    Hours: 1  

    In “Differentiation Made Easy Low Prep Potpourri,” Lisa Van Gemert, M.Ed.T., offers a variety of activities to help you differentiate across content areas in your classroom. From listening centers to more organized activities like Sociograms, which help students connect ideas in books, each option is low-prep and easy to execute!

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 1

    There are endless ways to approach differentiation in your classroom. Learn the essential steps and rules of tiering and compacting to make your GT classroom more fun, engaging, and independent.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Lynette Breedlove
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment, Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 3

    Do you know if your gifted students are being challenged enough in the classroom? Teachers of gifted students need to take special care to make sure that they are creating an environment where their students can thrive. In this course, educators will gain an in-depth knowledge about gifted students and how to make their classroom a place where gifted students are equipped for success. Come and discover the definition of giftedness, differentiated strategies for gifted students, and more in this 3-hour series.

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenters: Over 20 leading education trainers and practitioners including Debra Troxclair, Ph.D, James Webb, Ph.D, and Lynette Breedlove Level: Elementary & Secondary Hours: 30
    Texas law requires teachers receive 30 hours of training in gifted education to be eligible to teach gifted students. Each course in this 22-course bundle was handpicked by TAGT to meet that 30-hour requirement and to keep your new teachers fully engaged and learning. The TAGT 30-hour Bundle will give your teachers a firm foundation from which to understand and nurture your gifted students by covering core gifted areas, including Nature and Needs,  Identification and Assessment, Social and Emotional Needs, Creativity and Instructional Strategies, and Differentiated Curriculum.
  • Choose from over 250 online courses to create your own personalized 6-hour update. Each course is presented by recognized authors, trainers, and practitioners in gifted education, including Joyce Juntune and Lisa Van Gemert. These on-demand courses are easily accessible and available at your convenience. Meeting the state’s 6-hour GT update requirement has never been easier.

    If 6 hours is too much and you only need 3 hours, 
    click here to see the 3-Hour GT Update bundle.

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  • Presenters: Kelsey Karcher, M.Ed.; Meredith Austin, Ed.D.; Kamilah Holmes, M.Ed.; Crystal Wilson, M.Ed. Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies, Differentiated Curriculum, Identification & Assessment, Nature & Needs, Social & Emotional; Domain 2 Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Indicator 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4; Domain 4 High-Quality Curriculum Indicator 4.1, 4.2; Domain 5 Effective Instruction Indicator 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary Hours: 3
    Wondering how to effectively address the needs of gifted learners in your school? In this insightful 3-hour course from TAGT, experienced educators Kelsey Karcher, M.Ed., Meredith Austin, Ed.D. Kamilah Holmes, M.Ed., and Crystal Wilson, M.Ed. share practical strategies and advice to enhance gifted education programs. They cover key topics such as fostering an environment for advanced learning and professional development, crucial for successfully supporting gifted students. Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020   Add to Cart or Click Here for District Pricing
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