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  • Presenters: Over 20 leading education trainers and practitioners including Debra Troxclair, Ph.D, James Webb, Ph.D, and Lynette Breedlove Level: Elementary & Secondary Hours: 30
    Texas law requires teachers receive 30 hours of training in gifted education to be eligible to teach gifted students. Each course in this 22-course bundle was handpicked by TAGT to meet that 30-hour requirement and to keep your new teachers fully engaged and learning. The TAGT 30-hour Bundle will give your teachers a firm foundation from which to understand and nurture your gifted students by covering core gifted areas, including Nature and Needs,  Identification and Assessment, Social and Emotional Needs, Creativity and Instructional Strategies, and Differentiated Curriculum.
  • Presenter: David Sebek, GT Innovators
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    The internet has changed the way we do life. Not only are students learning in new ways, they must also be prepared for a future that is developing so rapidly, we cannot know what it will be like for them.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Nature & Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Dive deep into the world of gifted students! In this six-hour course, “Identification & Assessment of the Gifted,” educators will learn the history of gifted education, characteristics of gifted students, and how to assess and identify gifted children. After taking this course, educators will have a thorough knowledge of exactly what it means to be gifted.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    When is a hyper child not just a hyper child? If this hyper student happens to be gifted, there may be much more to their raucous behavior than a lack of self control. Learn how the unique wiring of a G/T brain enables them to soar, and requires special guidance from you.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area:
    Creativity & Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Leave behind the glitter and glue dots. Creativity in the classroom is less about art projects and more about helping students develop creative thinking skills. In this six-hour course, “Creativity and Instructional Strategies,” Lisa Van Gemert guides teachers through an in-depth look at how to bring creative instruction into their classrooms. Discover resources, inspiration, and knowledge that will make educators excited about teaching with creativity.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Nature & Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    If you’ve ever been baffled by gifted behavior, wait until you explore your students’ brains! Learn the dynamic forces behind their needs and quirks.

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  • This package contains six 1-hour courses by Lori Comallie-Caplan, each addressing a different aspect of the social and emotional needs of gifted and talented students.
  • Presenter: Joyce Juntune, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Nature & Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Understanding gifted children is serious business. They sit in our schools and sometimes go unidentified or remain underserved. Understanding the nature and needs of gifted students empowers teachers to meet their needs and prepare them for success.

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  • Presenter: Bob Iseminger, Pieces of Learning
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    What good is a tool if we do not teach a child how to use it? If information is a tool, critical thinking skills are the key to making that information useful for our students. In this course, you will learn how technology in the 21st century has changed the way G/T students interact with information and how it helps them build critical thinking skills in the classroom and beyond.  

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  • This bundle provides teachers with access to up to 6 hours of GT training from recognized authors, trainers, and practitioners in gifted education, meeting the state’s 6-hour GT update requirement.
  • Presenter: Carolyn Coil, Pieces of Learning
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Just like peanut butter, bananas, and chocolate, sometimes three things can go together in perfect harmony. In this course, STEM, differentiation, and practical application come together to create relevant and useful applications in your gifted and talented classroom.

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  • Presenter: Carolyn Coil, Pieces of Learning
    Core Area: Nature & Needs | Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Underachievers have many reasons (or excuses) for not working up to their full potential. Some of them are easy to identify in the classroom. However, there is a little-recognized group of hidden underachievers, who are easy to miss because they hide in plain sight. 

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  • Presenter: Richard M. Cash, Ed.D., nRich Educational Consulting
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Teaching for the twenty-first century is an increasing challenge for educators as the rate of change and the volume of information continues to escalate. Neo-millennial students today are even different than millennial students were a decade ago. Educators must understand these changes and be equipped to meet the challenges.

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  • Presenter: Carolyn Coil, Pieces of Learning
    Core Area: Creativity and Instructional Strategies
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Two recent studies have shown that creativity in students has been on the decline since 1990, yet creativity has been identified as one of the four most important learning and innovation skills for the 21st century. Reverse this trend in your classroom with activities that encourage creative problem solving.

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  • Presenter: Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Like flowers in a garden, student in a classroom require different strategies to help them grow and thrive. Learning differentiation is key on the road to becoming a master teacher. In this course, Gifted Guru-Lisa Van Gemert, presents approachable ways you can begin to differentiate and help every student excel.

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  • Presenter: Bob Iseminger
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    How can an educator facilitate quality, challenging, level-appropriate lessons with a classroom that ranges from lower-level to gifted and talented students? You can successfully tackle the task by taking Bob Iseminger’s course and learning how to utilize differentiation, promote critical and creative thinking skills, adapt teaching methods to the changing brains of this digital media generation and much more.

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  • Presenter: Joyce Juntune
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Gifted students can be found in all walks of life. With more than seventeen percent of Texans living in poverty, it is vital that educators understand the different perspectives and challenges that create achievement gaps for gifted students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Learning how to close these gaps for gifted students can help you set them up for success throughout life.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Identification & Assessment
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Each year, thousands of gifted students go undiscovered in our classrooms. Without accurate identification, many of these students will never reach their full potential or benefit from the great resources available in our gifted programs. As teachers and educators in gifted education, one of our top priorities should be the screening, assessment, and identification of our gifted students.
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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University 
    Core Area: Social Emotional, Nature Needs 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 6

    Understanding gifted children is serious business. They sit in our schools and sometimes go unidentified or remain underserved. Understanding the nature and needs of gifted students empowers teachers to meet their needs and prepare them for success.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies 
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary 
    Hours: 6

    Knowledge is no longer a competitive advantage. The job market is flooded with applicants who possess the knowledge necessary to complete a job. However, in today’s world creativity and creative thinking are the skills that prepare our students for success. Joyce Juntune, Ph.D., is passionate about teaching educators to both inspire academic achievement and develop creative thinking in the classroom.   

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Social & Emotional
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    The unique needs and attributes of gifted children extend beyond merely their accelerated cognitive development. They are divergent from average children in social and emotional arenas as well. Because they have special intellectual, emotional, imaginational, psycho-motor, and sensual energies that need to be understood, respected and sometimes redirected it is essential that school districts have a deep understanding of how these children operate beyond just meeting their intellectual needs. In this course, Dr. Juntune will guide you through the unique social and emotional world of a gifted child and demonstrate how schools, teachers and administrators can best serve these children and provide them with the whole person education that they have a right to.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Joyce Juntune, Texas A&M University
    Core Area: Differentiated Curriculum
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Join Dr. Juntune as she walks you through the unique minds of gifted children and explains why they need differentiation. She addresses how to practice individualized differentiation on a daily basis without placing a taxing workload on educators.

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  • Presenter: Dr. Lynette Breedlove, Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University
    Core Area: Nature & Needs
    Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
    Hours: 6

    Visit TAGT On Demand for more online courses.

    Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

    © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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  • Presenters: Kelsey Karcher, M.Ed.; Meredith Austin, Ed.D.; Kamilah Holmes, M.Ed.; Crystal Wilson, M.Ed. Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies, Differentiated Curriculum, Identification & Assessment, Nature & Needs, Social & Emotional; Domain 2 Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Indicator 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4; Domain 4 High-Quality Curriculum Indicator 4.1, 4.2; Domain 5 Effective Instruction Indicator 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary Hours: 3
    Wondering how to effectively address the needs of gifted learners in your school? In this insightful 3-hour course from TAGT, experienced educators Kelsey Karcher, M.Ed., Meredith Austin, Ed.D. Kamilah Holmes, M.Ed., and Crystal Wilson, M.Ed. share practical strategies and advice to enhance gifted education programs. They cover key topics such as fostering an environment for advanced learning and professional development, crucial for successfully supporting gifted students. Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. © Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020   Add to Cart or Click Here for District Pricing
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